Activities Woodhall North Yorkshire
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Take part in shooting events or turn from being a novice to an expert, shoot from a range of targets such as ducks, hares or birds. Relax in on-site accommodation or explore other activities that the centres have to offer such as fishing. Have a look at what we have on offer...
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Raby Estate
Raby Estates Office, Staindrop, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 3NF
Tel: 07 Fax: 02833 Web: www.rabycastle.com
Wild Bird Shoot including pheasant, grey partridge, woodcock and snipe. Wild duck and goose shooting is also available.
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Sorry! No data available at present
Sorry! No data available at present
Sorry! No data available at present
BASC North
Regional Officer : Steven Woodhall
PO Box 19, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7WZ
Tel: 01539 564 400 Fax: Web: www.basc.org.uk
General information from the British Association for Shooting and Conservation for Yorkshire and the surrounding area.
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