Yorkshire Countryside
Visit the Tasting Hub in Hall 1 and find a host of activities including:
- Cheese & Beer Tasting - Learn more about how to pair Yorkshire cheese with Yorkshire beer. You can also have a taste too! Gregg Wallace will be sharing his favourites with you too.
- Apple Tasting - To celebrate National Apple Day - get the chance to taste and choose your favourite apple. Gregg Wallace will also be choosing his favourite.
- Apple Pressing Demonstration
- Cider Tasting
- Learn about the Barley to Beer Process with local brewer Isaac Poad
NEW FOR 2016 - Flyball
It's fast & furious! Watch the Dog Star & Commandos teams race against each other in this relay race - great family entertainment!
NEW FOR 2016 - Cookery Theatre
Come & watch our favourite Yorkshire chefs create some very tasty dishes. Gregg Wallace will also be taking part in the judging of the cook-off.
NEW FOR 2016 - Alpacas
Competitive classes PLUS fun activities and the chance to meet these amazing animals.
NEW FOR 2016 - Sheepdog & Duck Display
Showing the training of a working sheepdog, including duck herding & plenty of audience participation!
NEW FOR 2016 - Rabbits
Competitive classes for Rabbits make their debut appearance on Saturday only.
NEW FOR 2016 - Young Shepherd of the Year Competition
Organised by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. Regional contests have been held in the run up to Countryside Live, young shepherds will be battling it out for the championship titles with classes for 8 to 12 years and 13 to 16 years. This is the final of a series of heats which have taken place over the last few months at shows around the country. There is a “last chance” heat at Countryside Live on Saturday for those who have yet to qualify, together with showing classes for native sheep breeds. The Grand Final of the Young Shepherd of the Year competition take place on Sunday.
Donkey Rides
Something for the children to enjoy! £3 per ride
Ferret Racing
So popular we had to invite them back.again! Join in the fun and cheer on your favourite ferret!
Create & Explore
A fantastic area for the children to explore - with many hands-on activities that they can enjoy from felt-making to straw-craft, bread and sausage making, willow-weaving and more, the children will be entertained all day long! Exhibitors attending in 2016:
- Alegria Arts
- Artbox
- Animals In Tuition
- Biz-Ed Projects Ltd – Pickling & Preserving Activity
- Breadmaking
- British Woodcarvers
- Cone Exchange Crafts
- Creation Station
- Harrogate And Ripon Beekeepers Association
- Hazel Brow Farm
- Huckleberries (Face Painting)
- K Guy Jewellery – Felt Making
- Kiddy Cook
- Ladies In Pigs
- Leeds Museums & Galleries
- RHS Garden Detectives (Make a Wish Entertainment)
- Marko’s Circus
- Pulpitations – Paper Making
- Rope Maker
- SMJ Falconry & Crafts
- The Food Chain
- Touchwood Woodturners
- Wild Wood
- York Chocolate Story
- York & District Guild Of Weavers, Spinners And Dyers
- Yorkshire Herbalist
- Yorkshire Hurdles (Willow Weaving)
- Yorkshire School Of Bushcraft