June 29, 2023
National Park Management Plans
The Greater Alpine National Parks Management Plan guides the future management of the Alpine, Baw Baw, Errinundra, Mount Buffalo and Snowy River national parks, Avon Wilderness Park, Tara Range Park, and Walhalla, Howqua Hills, Grant, Mount Wills and Mount Murphy Historic Areas.
The intent of the plan is to protect and enhance the outstanding natural, cultural and recreational values within the parks that cover over 900 000 hectares in Eastern Victoria. It adopts a landscape-scale approach for managing fire, catchments, pest plants and animals, and recreation and tourism across the Greater Alpine National Parks.
The plan outlines a new visitor experience framework approach that aims to promote the value and experiences important to park visitors in specific settings, destinations and journeys and seeks to maximise the social and economic benefits of the parks beyond their boundaries including water supply, tourism and education.