Day out Newbiggin England
I would like to say it had been another fine and sunny day but as the day closes the rain is pouring down and there is no work in the bay. 'Strekker' and 'Ailsa' are both moored but the sea is choppy and there is no stone to place tonight. Indeed the activity during the afternoon was essential maintenance on 'Strekker'. Anyway earlier in the day the focus was once again the soth roundhead and the profile is becoming more noticeable.
As for the shoreworks preparatory work continued at the Middle Shelter with further progress on the new viewing platform steps.
Despite poor conditions last night 'Strekker' has remained in the bay on the shore side of the new reef (for shelter) and pushed on with placing rock at the south end of the reef. Work continues tonight in relatively calm conditions and under a full moon. No coreloc has been placed today.
At the Middle Shelter the upper promenade steps next to Windsor Terrace have been concreted today with the possibility these steps will be open soon.
Work has also continued at this location on the beach steps with preparation in hand for the next section of blinding concrete.
The viewing platform work has also progressed with further precast step units placed today.
Once agin there was no work in the bay at first light, but the sea is moderating. However on the shore work progresses at the Middle Shelter steps with the blinding concrete (concrete between the natural clay and
the new foundation) going in on the east side of the steps.
Work is also going well on the new raised platforms east of Bridge Street with a drainage gulley being installed and the first of the new precast concrete step units being bedded into place.
During the morning 'Ailsa' made a visit to the bay to check on conditions and by early afternoon 'Strekker' was back and placing stone - there being no core loc units brought over today - only rock.
As darkness fell with rain falling and wind freshening, the white caps began to appear out at sea today. 'Strekker's placing operation has quickened up so perhaps she may have to dash back to Blyth tonight after such a short visit.
The sea was still lumpy today so no sign of 'Strekker' or even support vessels to see if work could begin again. The forecast promises more onshore wind early next week so there could be further delays.
On the shoreworks the two observation platforms east of Bridge Street have their foundation slabs in, reinforcement starter bars and drainage channels.
Further along at the middle shelter the new steps are having foundations established also.
You could be excused for thinking winter was back today when you look over the bay and out to sea. No it is not cold but the sea is rolling with many white crests and the breakers are battering the new reef and in particular the marker buoy at the south end. As you can imagine the chance of any work on the reef in the next few days is unlikely. It is interesting to observe the wave profiles that now exist and where the focus of wave energy is with these rough sea conditions.
Onshore the work to form the new beach stairs at the middle shelter goes on. The focus has been on providing a new base for the stairs and the heart of the stairway is being profiled with imported stone. Work is also continuing on the new viewing platform following the removal last week of the southern temporary platform.
With a sunny weather window tonight the beach hosted a number of walkers who can enjoy the sun whilst the adjacent promenade is in the shade - another advantage of the new beach at the south end of the bay!!
At first light today 'Strekker' left the bay for the shelter of Blyth as the weather began to further deteriorate. Surveyors were busy on the reef until 0645 hours to establish the profile then they were taken on board 'Ailsa' who left the bay spray flying as she crashed through the many waves. Tonight the reef is being tested by some breakers with rough sea conditions beyond the headland.
Heavy rain and conditions akin to those of a winter day have prevented further enqiries to ascertain the extent of the shoreworks today.
Needless to say the poor weather blighting the village will not have helped the progress. The only people out tonight were two body surfers out in the breakers at the south end of the bay.
Newbiggin had another fine and sunny Sunday eventually and once again the promenade was busy with 'Bay Watchers' out in force, spotting the activities out at sea and casting an expert eye over proceedings.
All the activity today was on the reef with 'Strekker' taking advantage of the good weather and pushing on with coreloc at the north end. As darkenss fell tonight there was still coreloc to be placed but this precision activity appears confined to daylight hours.